April 08, 2021

Oliver is 4!

Oliver just turned 4 and I wanted to share an update about everything going on with him! Life is fun and crazy with Oliver all of the time and I wanted to remember some of these little moments.

-Oliver is an awesome brother! He looks up to Adalyn so much. They do literally everything together. They fight like cats and dogs 1/4 of the time but the rest of the time, they love each other so much. They love having "date nights" together watching a movie in Oliver's room or eating a meal by the fire together. They can be found playing little games all the time together. It is truly the best. The fights and screaming though, mom could leave those. Mealtime is insane at times at our house!

-Oliver learned to ride a 2 wheeler bike back in October and can easily bike 3 miles. He loves biking everywhere while we walk. 

-He loves the color orange and wants everything to be orange. He got an orange watch and an orange bike for his birthday.

-Oliver recently got really sweet to Lily. For a long time, he basically ignored her which was fine but now, he gives her lots of love and wants to start helping her. He is taking his role as a big brother seriously.

-He loves superheroes and playing with toys. He loves tools- for his birthday, he got lots of real tools. He loves to help Troy with any project he is working on and can concentrate on a project for a long period of time which is impressive at age 4.

-He loves to help in the kitchen and loves to cook. 

-His favorite foods are bars, oranges, oatmeal, pizza, corndogs and of course, McDonald's. 

-Oliver loves sleepovers at his grandparent's houses so much.

-One of the biggest things going on in Oliver's life is that I have homeschooled him this entire year for 4 year old preschool. We do letters and letter sounds, writing numbers and letters, counting, etc. Oliver is quite a good student! He cannot wait to go to school in-person though. He is signed up for 4 year old preschool in person in the fall.

-Oliver is a little bit shy when it comes to talking to adults. I blame the pandemic for this because he wasn't like this before. I cannot wait to socialize more and get the kids back to where they were socially.

-Oliver is an expert hiker and hiked 18 miles over 4 days at Hocking Hills.

-Oliver is such a fun guy to be around and I love hanging out with him. I can't wait to see his personality grow more! Happy birthday Oliver!

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