October 03, 2015

Products I've Been Loving Lately Giveaway

Pop Art Popcorn
1. Pop Art Popcorn- When it comes to snacks, the more unique, the better to me. I was recently sent some samples of Pop Art popcorn to try and loved the unique flavors. Some of them include Thai coconut curry, rosemary truffle, nori sesame, white cheddar jalapeno and white pepper parmesan. I served the white pepper parmesan for my daughter's birthday party and several people told me that it was really good. 

I liked the white cheddar jalapeno a lot too. My dad likes both of those flavors but refused to try the others- lol. The rosemary truffle is delicious if you are a fan of truffles. These would be great to serve at a party for guests to try the different varieties.

iLeesh Dachshund Pillow
2. iLeesh Pillow- Okay, this product is perfect for my dachshund obsessed self. Longtime readers know that I am a little crazy about dachshunds so this pillow from iLeesh is perfect. It looks just like a real dachshund. In fact, Jaxen is totally scared of it. If I bring the pillow by him, he sprints away.

The pillow does have a name thanks to my husband: Francesca Fresca Bruschetta. Umm- yeah! We love dachshunds and have way too many dachshund items. This pillow is awesome quality and has a permanent spot on our couch.


The giveaway will be for one iLeesh pillow of your choice to one winner and 3 bags of Pop Art popcorn of your choice to another reader.


  1. Chris - @nylonlover69 on IG/TwitterOctober 3, 2015 at 9:59 AM

    That pillow is SO cute and the name Troy chose is way funny!

  2. I liked your facebook page previously, but fyi, you cannot ask us to like your facebook page as a requirement for a sweeps entry. Facebook changed the rules and you can only ask that we visit the page as a sweeps requirement.

  3. I'd love either one but my first choice is a pillow. Thanks.

  4. The popcorn sounds great, but I'd have to say the iLeesh pillow. It is adorable!

  5. I want to try the popcorn, thanks.

  6. My first choice would be the pillow, please. Popcorn would also be delicious!


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