May 18, 2015
5 Tips to Keep Your Dog Healthy
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #DogGoneBreath #CollectiveBias
Even though we have a baby now, still love our dogs so much and they still get tons of attention. Ava and Jaxen were our first babies and will always be a very important part of our lives. Therefore, we want to keep them healthy, living the longest life possible and happy.
Here are some tips to keep in mind to keep your pet healthy:
1. Know which foods they cannot have
There are certain foods that pets cannot have an can be very hazardous to them. Avoid giving your dog these foods: raisins and grapes, onions, garlic, chocolate, alcohol and avocado. Call your vet if your pet ate any of these foods for further instruction.

During my pregnancy, Jaxen walked me every single (I did not walk him, he walked me ; )). We got into a routine where he knew that he had to go outside and go to the bathroom, eat breakfast and then go on a walk right after. If I didn't feel like going or was later than he wanted me to be, he would stand by the door super excited until I finally took him. It makes me want to tear up thinking about this. I honestly give Jaxen props for keeping me and the baby healthy and fit through my whole pregnancy.

In the winter, we ended up slacking on walking outside due to the very cold temperatures but have picked it back up again. When I pickup Jaxen's leash he starts jumping up super high and gets so excited. Ava likes to walk but not like Jaxen.
Try to take your pet on a walk at least 3-4 days per week for some exercise. Just like us humans, pets need to move too.
3. Take them to the vet
Make sure you stay on top of your dogs requires vaccinations to keep them at their healthiest. Also, your pet may need heartworm prevention medications, solution to keep their ears clean, etc. By going to the vet regularly, you are able to stay on top of keeping your pet healthy.
Does anyone else feel that Jaxen looks exactly like Snoop Dogg? Just me?
4. Give them love!
What dogs love is attention. I think that by giving your pet some love, that helps to keep them happy and healthy. Dogs give unconditional love and it is our jobs as owners to provide love back. This can include holding them, petting them, playing catch, etc. My dogs are super needy and love to sit on our laps so we make sure to give them lots of love, especially after Adalyn goes to bed.
5. Keep their teeth and mouth healthy
I have a confession to make. My dog, Jaxen, my sweet little boy, has horrible breath. I hate to admit it to the internet but it is so true. I don't know what this dog gets into but his breath is so horrible, worse than any dog in our family. I try to brush his teeth more often than Ava because he loves to kiss us and get up close 24/7 and sometimes, I can't stand it!!
Holding a dog's mouth open to brush their teeth is no fun but it is worth it to help remove plaque from their teeth for good oral health and to help their breath.
I learned that one of the sources of bad breath in a dog is from the bacteria on their tongue. I have never been able to brush Jaxen's tongue with a toothbrush because he moves all over. We were able to try the Orapup dog breath brush to try out which is a dog tongue brush.
I was so excited to try this to help Jaxen's breath. You apply Lickies to it which comes in chicken and beef and bacon flavors. It helps to get rid of bad breath without a toothbrush. You can buy a starter kit which comes with an Orapup brush and a 2 oz bottle of beef and bacon Lickies.
We really liked this product! The Lickies tasted good to Jaxen and Ava so it was less like torture and a lot more like a treat. The brush has bristles that get down in the crevices of your dog's tongue to get rid of bacteria.
Here is a video showing how to use Orapup:
For 25% off your Orapup order, use the code DogGone25.
I did let Jaxen know that he was chosen for a campaign for the blog and he was very excited. He spent all day getting ready for his photo shoot ; ). I think he ended up looking very nice.
What are some of your tips to keep your pet healthy?
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It looks like Jaxen's prepping paid off...what a handsome model! Next thing you know, he's going to be requesting a chair with his name on it and a private dressing room. Thanks for sharing! #client