April 11, 2015
Our Journey Toward Starting a Family
Fertility. It is a word that many of us do not think of until we are ready to start a family. In the first 4 years of our marriage, we focused on preventing pregnancy. We knew that we wanted children, but were not ready yet. We wanted to focus on our marriage, finish school, find jobs, etc. When we got married, we had dated for 2 years but I was only 19. I knew that I wanted to wait awhile yet to have kids.

Then, back in July 2013, I remember being at a family party where there was a baby. After the party, it got Troy and I talking about when we wanted to have kids. We talked about it the whole way home. We decided to wait another 6 months or so (I can't remember exactly).
Then, it was another month later, on August 3, 2013 to be exact, where we had the same discussion again. Even though we had talked about waiting, Troy and I both changed our minds and decided that we were both ready to start trying for a baby. He told me to stop taking my birth control and that was the last date that I took it.
We were so, so lucky to be able to get pregnant without medical intervention. It took about 4-5 months to get pregnant after stopping the pill. Even though I know that that is a short time, at the time, it seemed like forever. I remember each month taking a pregnancy test and feeling defeated that it was negative instead of positive.
Then, on January 17, 2014, I took a pregnancy test that changed my entire world. I was in my bathroom by myself at about 3 AM (couldn’t sleep due to the excitement) when I took the test. I could not believe that I was pregnant and was so excited. I shared the news with Troy later that afternoon and then we shared with our families.
I was blessed with a very healthy pregnancy where I felt pretty good most of it. I did have nausea for a couple of weeks but no vomiting. I was able to keep up my exercise the whole pregnancy (which I have to thank my dachshund Jaxen for as he made me walk him every day- I will never forget this). We had a couple of concerns that the baby was small for gestational age which ended up being okay and I just had to get a couple of extra ultrasounds.
Then on September 18th 2014, I had my membranes stripped at the doctors after being one day past my due date. I also walked like crazy that day, ate spicy food, etc. to try to induce labor naturally. About 9 PM that night, my contractions started. I was up all night and even went to work the next morning through contractions every 2-3 minutes (why yes, I am crazy!). Then, I went to the doctor that day for an ultrasound where they told me that I was in labor and 4 1/2 cm dilated!!!!
Troy and I got our things together and headed to the hospital later that evening. Annoyingly, we got sent home since I had not progressed past 4 1/2 cm in ~5 hours. I was in labor all night and then went into the hospital again at ~6:30 AM. This time, I knew that I was not getting sent home. I could barely walk I was in so much pain. I was immediately admitted and was 6 1/2 cm dilated.
I labored for about another hour and then got my epidural (highly recommended, amazing). After 1 hour of pushing, Adalyn Grace Hernandez was born on September 20, 2014 at 12:33 PM weighing 7 lbs 0.5 oz and 20.5 inches long. This was one of the best days of my entire life.
Adalyn is now 6 months old and I can tell you, being a parent is the best part of my entire life. It is something that I was made to do. Adalyn brings so much joy every single day and Troy and I love her with our entire hearts. Watching her grow and develop is the best thing ever and I cannot imagine life without her.

This is our story. Our journey. Thinking of it makes me so nostalgic and I tear up thinking about it. I cannot imagine what people go through who have fertility issues. Did you know that 7.3 million couples in the US have trouble conceiving? Wow. This is actually a topic that Troy and I talk about all the time. If we were not able to have children, it would be very difficult as this has always been something that we both wanted. I read blogs where women have to have fertility treatments, go on Clomid, have IVF, etc. etc. and my heart hurts for them. For nice loving couples that are ready and stable to have a baby, I feel very sorry for when they cannot have a child without much intervention (or at all).
I am so, so thankful that our journey to having a baby was as "easy" as it was. We thank god daily for our blessings. Many people have fertility issues. I have known quite a few people that have had these issues and I know it is so hard for them. I cannot say that I understand what they are going through because I have not been through this myself. I can say that my heart is with them at this difficult time.
There is a product called The Stork OTC which is an at home option that may help with conception. It uses cervical cap insemination and is an over-the-counter product. Before using this, please check with your physician to see if this option is right for you.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by The Stork OTC and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own.
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I read somewhere just this past week that 1 in 5 couples seek fertility help. I don't know to what degree but yeah, I never realized it was that much trouble. You just never know!