February 02, 2015
Adalyn 4 Month Update
Clothing size: I just put away most of Adalyn's 0-3 month clothing. She is wearing all 3 month and 3-6 month clothes and some 6 month pajamas (the girl is long!).
Diapers: size 1
Weight: 12 lbs 5 oz- 25%
Height- 25 1/4 inches- 78%
Most of this past month, we skipped the 11 PM bottle we used to give but brought it back recently because she is wanting to eat more in the night.
Health: Adalyn had her Zantac increased at the end of December and we saw immediate results. It is truly amazing! She is screaming about 90-95% less than before during feedings.
Baths: This is one of my favorite things as a mom. For almost all of Adalyn's baths, I take a bath with her. She now loves to float around and smiles while doing so.
Nicknames: New nickname this month- Goo Goo (don't ask...)
Sleep: Adalyn changed her own bedtime this month from 7:45-8:30 PM to 7:15-7:45 PM. She starts getting super fussy and tired right around 7 PM so I start her bedtime routine then. It was seeming easier to put her down for awhile but for the last several nights, she has been crying lots around bedtime. We are having to rock her less and usually just verbally comfort her and put the pacifier back in her mouth. We are trying to teach her to fall asleep on her own more which I think will help her when she wakes up in the night and isn't actually hungry.
We are continuing the routine of diaper change, medicine, swaddle, feeding and then bed. We are loving the Cloud B sheep white noise. This month, Adalyn only slept through the night a couple times. She is usually eating once per night.
I definitely believe she is going through the 4 month sleep regression. She wakes up usually about 3 times per night crying but usually, she is able to fall back asleep a couple of those times without a feeding. Some nights, I have had to feed her twice during the night which I have not done since she was about 1 1/2 months old. This mama is tired!
Naps have gotten tougher seeing as Adalyn does not want to miss anything. If you let her, she would seriously stay up for 5-6 hours or more at a time. We have been trying to watch closely for signs of her being tired and then put her down right away. We wrap her in a blanket and either rock her or put her in her rock 'n play most of the time.
Favorite baby gear:
-Continued favorites- Wubbanub, Halo swaddles, activity mat, Bumbo seat
-New favorite:
-Evenflo jumper- This is the best $20 spent! Adalyn loves her jumper so, so much and we have a great time playing with her while she is in it. She can move around so well on her own.
Back to Work: Going very well! I shared my thoughts on Why I Enjoy Being a Working Mom.
-So much laughing!!! Adalyn smiles and laughs all the time. My favorite is when she sees my across the room and gives a big, gummy smile. When you laugh, she laughs back a lot of the time.
-Standing is her favorite activity- We hold her hands and her little legs are so strong. I barely have any pressure on her and she stands on her own.
-She started to be able to grab her toys with her hands and put her pacifier back in her mouth (sometimes).
-Adalyn rolled over several times- On Christmas eve and at least 3 times towards the end of January.
-Adalyn is still super alert and loves to stare at people.
-She holds herself up really well for tummy time.
-She loves her hands so much
-She is "talking" a lot more.
-We are teaching Adalyn to pet the dogs.
-More drooling- maybe teething is coming
Dislikes: Getting her clothes changed, being hungry, when the pacifier comes out of her mouth.
We love you so much Adalyn Grace!
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