August 11, 2014
My Fairy Tale Books Review and Giveaway
I don't talk about religion very often at all here on the blog but I am a Catholic and a Christian. I want our daughter to grow up knowing about the bible and praying. I was recently sent some wonderful personalized books from My Fairy Tale Books that will help her to learn some of the things I want her to know.
My Fairy Tale Books makes different books for babies and children that are personalized with their information. I was sent a couple of books to review including Noah's Ark and My Book of Prayers.
The ordering process is simple. You just fill out a form with certain information such as the child's name, city, age, etc. You can also write a personalized message in each book.
I like the graphics in the Noah's Ark book a lot. I have always loved the Noah's Ark story and look forward to reading our daughter this book.
The My Book of Prayers is also really nice. I was flipping through it and really liked one particular message where it was saying that even though we pray for things, we do not always get what we want which is an important lesson to learn early on.
One of the best parts of My Fairy Tale Books is that they are very affordable. For example, these books are only $11.95-$12.95 for a personalized book. I think that that is a great deal and that these would make great gifts.
My Fairy Tale Books makes different books for babies and children that are personalized with their information. I was sent a couple of books to review including Noah's Ark and My Book of Prayers.
I like the graphics in the Noah's Ark book a lot. I have always loved the Noah's Ark story and look forward to reading our daughter this book.
The My Book of Prayers is also really nice. I was flipping through it and really liked one particular message where it was saying that even though we pray for things, we do not always get what we want which is an important lesson to learn early on.
One of the best parts of My Fairy Tale Books is that they are very affordable. For example, these books are only $11.95-$12.95 for a personalized book. I think that that is a great deal and that these would make great gifts.
The giveaway will be for your choice of personalized product (book, CD, DVD, puzzle, etc.) to one reader from My Fairy Tale Books.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I am so excited to see these books and read them to my sweet little ELI. I love spending the quiet time with him. It is so hard to compete with the rest of the world. I would greatly appreciate winning these fairy tale books.