February 13, 2014

Glider Gloves Review

Glider Gloves
Glider Gloves is a company that sells different kinds of texting gloves. I find texting gloves to be very helpful because when it is freezing, the last thing that you want to have to do it take off your gloves to answer your phone, look something up or send a text.

Glider Gloves come in a few different varieties including heavier gloves for a cold winter or lighter gloves if you live in an area that does not get that cold. I have been wearing my new Glider Gloves daily for about 2 weeks now and really like them. These gloves are very warm and even in the -5 degree weather we have had, my hands have been pretty warm.
Glider Gloves
I chose the size small which at first, was too small for my hands (I have kind of large hands) but stretched out eventually and not have a great fit. While having these on, I can answer my phone, text or do whatever I need to do which is great. This way, I do not have to freeze while I send a text. They work really well (some brands only work like half the time).

Glider Gloves retail from between $12.99 to $29.99 depending on how thick of gloves you need. They are offered in all different colors and can be worn by men or women.
