November 16, 2012

Noosa Review and Giveaway

Noosa Yogurt Review

Noosa is a thick and creamy yogurt that comes in different fruity flavors. I was sent some samples of mango, strawberry rhubarb, raspberry, honey and blueberry. The first thing that I noticed was how different the container was compared to other yogurts. It comes in a flat 8 ounce container.

The yogurt is very thick and is not your typical fat-free yogurt. The first Noosa yogurt that I tried was the raspberry. It was absolutely amazing. The raspberry tasted just like raspberry pie filling and the yogurt which was on top of the raspberry was thick and creamy. My sister and I could not believe how good it was.

The other flavor that I loved was the Noosa strawberry rhubarb. My parents have grown rhubarb for years and my mom makes a great strawberry rhubarb crisp. This Noosa yoghurt tasted just like it. I love that these yogurts do not have a fake fruit flavor like some do. This takes a lot for me to say since I have tried so many yogurts but these two flavors were honestly the best yogurt that I have ever had!

Noosa Yogurt Flavors  

  • Vanilla bean
  • Strawberry rhubarb
  • Salted caramel
  • Lemon
  • Cherry vanilla
  • Pumpkin
  • Strawberry
  • Pomegranate
  • Key lime
  • Coconut 
  • Peach

Raspberry yogurt all mixed up.

Is Noosa Yogurt Healthy?

Something to note is that this yogurt is higher in calories than most. I treat it like a dessert, not like a typical yogurt. Trust me, it tastes good enough to be considered a dessert. The yogurt is so thick and rich that you will be satisfied after a smaller serving than with many yogurts. 

Noosa Yogurt Nutrition

What's the Noosa nutrition? One four ounce portion has 130-140 calories depending on the flavor. Noosa has quite a bit more fat than other brands of yogurt but it is very satisfying, kind of more like a dessert than a yogurt.

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  1. I would love to try raspberry first then peach


  3. I am late to the party on Noosa yoghurt which might actually turn out to be a good thing. I recently purchased several of them. The strawberry-rhubarb was almost too good to be believed. Little did I know how right I was. I am usually no fat yogurt but wanted to give this a shot. I was a convert from the first mouthful. Little did I know that their nutritional label was completely wrong. I was happy to see the sugar was 9g but when I started looking at Noosa's website it listed it at 19g of sugar. Then I noticed the fat was higher then on my label and the protein was less. I posted on their facebook page questioning this and they sent me a link saying that their labels were incorrect. They are in the process of correcting the info but I feel if this is being sold it should be pulled from the stores until the correct info. I didn't want to attach their link here but if you would like to see the response let me know as I couldnt find it anywhere on their website.

    1. Noosa Yoghurt contains kosher gelatin.

  4. Just had another container of the Noosa Yoghurt. One of the best things I ever ate in terms of yogurt. I tried the honey flavored, it was delicious. Just had the raspberry, loved it as well. Have yet to try the other flavors, but can't wait to try them. They are so smooth and filling; however, after eating one, you are tempted to eat several more after you finish the first one. I found them at Jewel Food stores and I believe they have them at the Meijer food stores.

  5. love all the flavors. Sprinkled some coconut chai granola and BOOM!!! Euphoira. :)


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