September 10, 2012

Raaw Juice Review and Giveaway

When I found Raaw juice and saw their unique flavors, I knew that I had to try some.  They make unique combinations such as pineapple cucumber, strawberry purple carrot and raspberry lemongrass. Typically, I am a supporter of eating whole fruits and vegetables as opposed to juices but as a treat, this makes a good option.

These juices are 100% fruit and vegetable juices. They have no added sugar or preservatives. I like the bright colors of the bottles and that each label has how much of each fruit or vegetable is in the bottle. For example, the mano guarana has 1 mango and 1/4 cup guarana seeds in it.

I had fun trying a few of these juices and had some that I liked and some that I did not.  My favorite juice was definitely the mango guarana. It has a fresh mango flavor and almost a coconut undertone. A one cup serving contains 90 calories, 120% daily vitamin A and 25 grams of sugar. While that is a lot of sugar, it does come from fruit and not added sweeteners.

I was not a fan of the carrot lemonade or the raspberry lemongrass. They were too strong of flavors for me but people who like those unique flavors may like these.

The giveaway is for 3 mixed cases of Raaw Juices to 3 different winners.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The Passion Fruit Wheat Grass sounds delicious :)

    Thank you for this great giveaway!

  2. I want to try raspberry lemongrass :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

  3. i like to try the pineapple cucumber

  4. Passion fruit wheat grass is my choice.

  5. My favorite juice is definitely the pineapple cucumber! It sounded like an odd mix, but I had to try it & I love the fresh, crisp flavor. I'm always looking for new flavors at our supermarket, but we don't get many different kinds here.

  6. My son and I think the Mango flavor sounds yummy!

  7. i subscribe via email at this address:

  8. I would like the Raspberry Lemon grass.


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