September 28, 2011

Pack your Lunch: Crunchmaster and Black + Blum Review

Recently, I had the opportunity to review a couple cool products perfect for packing your lunch. I pack my lunch Monday-Friday to take with me to the hospital. Packing your lunch not only saves you money but also is often much healthier for you. Check out a couple of the lunch essentials that I have been enjoying this week.

Crunchmaster crackers are easily my favorite crackers out there.  They are super crispy and taste great.  I did two reviews on them in the last year (review 1, review 2). The company recently contacted me to try their new white cheddar crackers. Since I am such as huge fan of the other ones, of course I said yes.  These crackers have a light coating of white cheddar and taste great. They are good enough to eat alone or would be great with some hummus on top. I love these new crackers!

2. Black + Blum Lunch Boxes
Black + Blum is a company that sells all sorts of unique products, especially ones for the kitchen. I was sent these lunch boxes for my review. I took them to work one day and loved them. I used the bigger one for a large salad and the smaller one for some cut up fruit.  They hold any liquids inside the container which is necessary to keep my lunch bag clean.  It also comes with a little pot for sauces which is great for my salad dressings. These lunch boxes are going to last me a long time and be used almost daily for my lunches!

What are some of your necessities for packing your lunch?


  1. Hi Amanda! Very nice blog and a fun review of options for lunch. A lunchbox that contains liquid properly, is such a bonus for preventing disasters. Crunchmasters look yummy... Cheers, k.


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