June 26, 2011

Dad's Homegrown Produce

I took some pictures of my Dad's homegrown organic sour cherries, basil, green cherry tomatoes, and summer squash. Enjoy!


Summer squash

What's growing in your garden this summer?

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  1. How prolific! And beautiful. I only grow tomatoes right now...but they are very good. Maybe more stuff later on. Here is a squash recipe from my blog you may enjoy.


  2. These all look delicious!

  3. wow i want to taste it lol :D
    we have a mango tree and the mangoes taste better than the grocery mangoes ^^
    My Blog: http://amz88.blogspot.com/

  4. That's one HECK of a garden!!

    We don't have a garden, but we hope to start planing things in planters soon :)

  5. I am so jealous ! He is great ! What gorgeous pictures ! Mine is growing so slow this year, I am in a sour mood

    Lovin It !

  6. Great pics!

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