May 09, 2011

Health Warrior Chia Review

Health Warrior is a company that sells chia seeds and chia seed products.  I was first introduced to chia seeds about a year ago from reading other healthy living blogs.  They are tiny little seeds that are perfect in oatmeal or other foods.

Here is some information about the benefits of chia seeds: Not only do these tiny seeds have more Omega 3’s than salmon or any whole food, more fiber than oatmeal, more antioxidants than blueberries, more calcium than milk and more protein than most legumes, they are also extremely satiating (absorb up to 10x their weight in water), and can help you slim down by warding off hunger.

These chia seeds are very good. I made some healthy scones last weekend and added some chia seeds to them.  They added a fun little crunch to my scones! Also, I really like these chocolate peanut butter chia seed bars.  They are only 100 calories and taste very similar to a granola bar even though the texture is totally different. The only downside to chia seeds is they stick in your teeth like crazy! But hey, they benefits far outweigh any negatives for sure!  If you have not tried chia seeds yet, you must!

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  1. Hi I'm a new follower via the Monday Blog Hop. Would love for you to follow back me at Tips for Saving
    Thanks and Keep in Touch!

  2. I love using chia seeds, too. At first I didn't know quite what to do with them, but I also think they add a fun little crunch in baked goods!

  3. I would love for you to join our site. We are currently in the process of doing a lot of great things, where we will be having doctors and professionals on the site to answer questions and for our members. I'd love for you to join us and maybe be our nutritionist guide?

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  4. Thanks for that review. I haven't really tried that product but it looks effective.

    Vitamins Canada

  5. Really keen on trying these out, they sound great. I've read they're also a complete protein, like meat. Where as other vegatables are called incomplete proteins.

    But they're so small and light, guess you have to eat them in large quantaties to get the amount of protein you'd need? What quantity do you normal eat in one sitting?


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