March 20, 2011

Nutrition in Red Fruits and Vegetables

I have always loved learning about the different fruits and vegetables and what vitamins and minerals are in them. I thought it would be neat to share with you some of the information that I learned in school by doing different posts about different colored produce. Here is the first post about red fruits and veggies.

Red Fruits and Vegetables:
Many red kinds of produce contain lycopene which is high in tomatoes, watermelon, grapefruit, etc.  This is known to help reduce your risk of cancer (especially prostate). Also, many contain vitamins A and C which may help to prevent heart disease.

Some great red fruit/vegetable choices:
-Red peppers
-Red cabbage
(These last four PowerPoint slides are from a report that I did in college! I just found it on my computer.)

What are your favorite kinds of red fruits and vegetables?
Red: I love tomatoes and raspberries.


  1. My favorite reds are: raspberries, watermelon and apples! Yum!


  2. What a great and informative post! Thanks for sharing!

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  4. I really like my own cranberry sauce, but I also love cherries, strawberries, rasberries, home-grown tomatoes, red bell peppers and watermelon. A favorite? Sorry, too many to pick from. I think it would just be easier to say I prefer green apples to red.

  5. I almost forgot radishes and which I am neutral -- lol.

  6. wow, we love strawberries, cherries, tomatoes, red peppers AND especially apples! Yum, this post is makin' me hungry :)

  7. Awesome Presentation! I also love learning the vitamins and minerals fruits contain and I thank you for sharing this information...
    My favorite are
    ~Red Bell Peppers
    ~cherry tomatoes :D

  8. Love most fruits and veggies - wish restaurants would offer more variety - I remember when prunes would be served as desert - you hardly see prunes anymore. I am a new GFC follower - coming from KdBuggie's Monday Mingle - if you have time stop by WynnieBee to say hello : D Thanks

  9. Following you via google connect

  10. Stopping by from the blog hop and just became a follower! :)

    My favorite red fruits/veggies are raspberries, strawberries, and tomatoes! I could live off them in the summer!:)


  11. i found you on the mingle monday blog hop and am now following you. please follow me back at

  12. Found you at to the top tuesday blog hop. I am loving your blog! Thanks for all the tips. I am also your newest follower, would love to have you follow back at

  13. Very informative!


    I'm your newest follower from the Monday Madness blog hop. Look forward to reading future posts.

    Feel free to check out my blog here:

  14. I'm following you back now, loved this post too. My friend that's a nutritionist always says the more color on your plate the better! Now if you can do a post like this for all colors of the rainbow, that would really help me : )

  15. found your site on peaches blog hop. It is very informative. As for red fruits and veggies, I like raspberries best!


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