October 02, 2010

Wedding Photos!

I love looking at other people's wedding photos so I thought that I would post some of my own!

Troy and I were married on July 11, 2009!! It was a beautiful wedding!

 Our wedding bands

 Bridesmaids, sister, my, and my Mom

 Our hair!

My brother, mom, me, dad, and sister

The dress!
 My dad, brother and husband

My dad walking me down the aisle
Putting the rings on each other
Mr. and Mrs. Hernandez
So happy!

 Jump! I love this picture!

 The whole wedding party drove in red pick up trucks...no limo for this lady!
Feeding each other the cake!

Our first dance to our song "I Get Carried Away" by George Strait


Daddy daughter dance

 Our Just Married sign that my mom made!

It was a perfect day!


  1. Beautiful. Thanks for the follow. I am already following you :) Have a great week end

  2. I love the pictures! Just Beautiful! I'm now your newest follower. I really love the style of your wedding! :o)
    Have a great day and weekend too!!!


  3. Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing

  4. These are beautiful pictures! I'm following you back!

  5. Those pictures are gorgeous, thanks for sharing!! I didn't have a limo either. I pulled up actually as part of the wedding ceremony (it was outside) in a '67 Chevy Camaro. Helloooo entrance! =o)

  6. Everything works together to make you look so gorgeous!! That dress definitely suites you and is stunning :)

    I love all these pictures!! They are so very well done too-Kudos to the photographer!

    Thank you for sharing your special day with everyone ^.^

  7. Awwwwwwww! How Sweet! I like the jump picture. It's really cute. Your dress was gorgeous. Great pictures to remember your special day!

  8. LOVE the photos...I need to scan our wedding pics...we got married Jan 2005!!!

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Now following you. Can I just say that you dress was absolutely stunning??? Just gorgeous! You two are a very cute couple! :-)


  10. Beautiful! I love wedding pictures too.

  11. Amanda,
    These are beautiful photos! Take care and have a blessed Sunday! Thanks for visiting my blog, I know my recipe was not very healthy but it sure was yummy! I will just run a few more miles!! LOL


  12. Beautiful!!!! I love your dress and everything looks amazing! You & Troy are an adorable couple :)

  13. super cute train on your dress.

  14. Thank you for visiting my blog. I am now following you!
    Your pictures are gorgeous! Your dress was beautiful, and you were definitely a stunning bride. Congrats!

  15. Awww these are truly beautiful and Lovely! When I saw these, It reminded me of a happy ending fairy tale-Cute!

  16. Congratulations to you and Troy you make a super cute couple and the pictures are beautiful.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am your newest follower.

  17. I love looking at wedding pictures and your's are beautiful! It's nice to meet you! :)


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