June 26, 2013

Raw Organic Whey Protein Smoothies + Giveaway

If you follow my blog Facebook, you know that I recently got a huge box of plums for only $2 reduced at my favorite produce market. I was recently sent some Raw Organic Whey protein to review on my blog and I made 2 delicious smoothies this weekend using this protein. It is USDA certified organic and does not contain the bovine growth hormone. There are no preservatives, sweeteners or fillers- just organic whey protein.

The protein does not have a specific flavor and I tried it and it does not taste like much. This is perfect in my book because it adds protein to your food without changing the taste. You can add any flavors you like and this whey protein blends right in. A serving is 5 tablespoons for about 100 calories and 20 grams of protein. A lot of times, I have trouble digesting whey protein but that was not the case with this Raw Organic Whey protein powder. I felt great all day after eating it.

I absolutely love this protein powder and how it blends right into my smoothie without being chalky or having a strong flavor. I would definitely recommend this!

Plum Protein Smoothie
1 small plums with pit removed
3/4 cup plain kefir
1/4 cup coconut juice (I used Bai5)
2 1/2 tablespoons Raw Organic Whey protein
Handful of ice

Directions: Blend all ingredients together and serve.

This smoothie was perfect after my weight lifting workout on Sunday. It was tasty and filling.

Chocolate Coconut Peanut Butter Smoothie
Serves: 2

1 cup nonfat chocolate milk
5 tablespoons Raw Organic Whey protein
1/2 cup coconut juice (I used Bai5)
3 tablespoons peanut butter
2 handfuls of ice

Directions: Blend all ingredients together until smooth. Serve immediately.

Both of these smoothies are delicious, especially the second which is more like a dessert. I loved the addition of the Raw Organic Whey protein powder.

To purchase Raw Organic Whey - USDA Certified Organic Whey Protein, you can buy their products on Amazon.
The giveaway will be for a 12 ounce bag of Raw Organic Whey Protein (a $34.95 value).

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  1. Not sure if you would see or not, but I follow via GFC as The NEW Mommiez Blend, but my rafflecopter name is Richelle. Sorry for any confusion. There wasn't a spot on the form to put my GFC name so I thought I should make the connection here :) Maybe I didn't need to, but didn't want to mess anything up.


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