January 07, 2012

Clinical Dietetic Internship


Happy New Year! I just started my clinical rotation for my internship this week.  I have learned a lot of new information so far.  I will be at all different parts of the hospital including ICU, cancer unit, outpatient counseling, diabetes education, med/surg, etc.  It is a lot of information to learn so I just wanted to let you know that I probably will be blogging a little less over the next few months. After the internship each day, I am pretty tired and have my graduate class to focus on too.  I hope that I can continue to blog most days of the week still.

Hope everyone is doing well and thanks for reading The Nutritionist Reviews!

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  1. How exciting! I hope you have a great time learning! Happy New Year also!!!


  2. Good luck at your internship!


  3. Just let us know when you learn something interesting!


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